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NBLL FAQ-- Applies to both Baseball and Softball

What is the Fall 2024 registration deadline?
Registration is now open and will close on August 21, 2024. Teams will be grouped as best as we can by schools and area within NBLL boundaries. 

When is the Fall season?

The season typically begins in August annually, when the Boise School District returns from summer vacation.  Teams will be formed in mid-to-late August, and practices will begin soon thereafter.  Games start after Labor Day, typically.  The season ends near the end of October.

What are the Spring season dates for tball and rookies?
The tball and rookies season runs from early April through late May. Anticipate three events per week, either games or practices.

What are the Spring season dates for minors, majors, intermediates and seniors (often referred to as draftable divisions)?
The draftable division season runs begins about the 3rdr or 4thtweek in March, through the end of the Boise School district school year. Our goal and philosophy is to be done with baseball the same time school is completed for the year. However, due to weather conditions and potential rain delays, we occasionally have to complete the season the first week in June.

Is there a Summer season?
Yes, but only for All-Stars that are selected from the Spring season's play.  There is a link on the homepage with more detail.

Is there a Fall season?
Yes, both baseball and softball play a fall season.  It typically begins in August annually, when the Boise School District returns from summer vacation.

Where do we play?
Check out the information under the Parents Tab, "Baseball Divisional Paths" and "Softball Divisional Paths" for this information.

What is a draftable division?
Draftable divisions are Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Seniors. "Draftable division" means your child will attend an assessment (these are not try outs -- everyone makes a team!). Assessments help us gauge the skills of all players so that we can create balanced and safe teams. Again, every player makes a team!  The team draft occurs after assessments where all players are drafted to a division and team.  Assessments/drafts are for the Spring season only.

What are the ages and costs to play in the Spring?
Ages 5-6 = Tball: $90
Ages 6-9 = Rookies: $115
Ages 9-16 = Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Seniors (aka "draftable divisions"): $185 for the Black Friday deal, Early Bird deal $200, Regular Rate $225
Not sure what your baseball league age is?  Click here: League Age

What are the ages and costs to play in the Fall?
Rookies is $85; all other levels are $125.  There is no Tball in the Fall.
Not sure what your baseball league age is?  Click here: League Age

Does NBLL offer financial hardship scholarships to players?
YES! NBLL thinks every child deserves to have fun playing baseball regardless of their ability to pay. We offer financial scholarship to players, and we encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or have a player to nominate for a scholarship.  Contact [email protected]  

Do coaches attend any training?
Coaches attend Safety training, Rules Training and also Positive Coaching Alliance Training. Parents are also required to follow the Positive Coaching Alliance fundamentals and agree to treat players and coaches with respect. Find more information on the NBLL coaching philosophies and techniques Positive Coaching Alliance.

You can also see the parent and coach contracts regarding PCA by clicking these links:

Is anyone in NBLL paid?
No, every person that is part of NBLL is a volunteer, per Little League International regulations. Volunteers at all levels of the organization are needed and appreciated.  We love our volunteers!

Who should attend the Spring Season assessments?

NOTE: Assessments are only held for the Spring season. There are no assessments in the Fall. 
All players that are league age 9-13 are required to attend assessments for the Spring season only. Assessments will determine the final division in which your player will play.  Players league age 7 and 8 can attend if they would like to potentially be placed in the minors division. Any 7 and 8 year olds that do not attend assessments will automatically be placed in rookies. As a note, very few 7 and 8 year olds are moved to minors after assessments.  Players that are league age 14-16 do not need to attend assessments as they will all be placed in the Seniors division based on their age.
Determine your league age by clicking this link: League Age

When are the Spring assessments held?
Assessments are held two Saturdays in February or early March. Players are assigned a date and time to attend, however accommodations can always be made if the assigned time does not work for your family. Assessments provide coaches, division directors and the board an opportunity to see each player catch, field and throw a baseball. This allows us to place players in the correct division and team based on skills. Our goal is to always create balanced and safe teams; every player will be assigned to a team. There are no assessments for the Fall season.

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